When you think of one of them, the other immediately comes to mind and the impression is that the two were “born” together. The partnerships of “rice and beans”, “bread and butter” and “cheese with guava”, for example, are so old that it is difficult to imagine enjoying them in isolation.
The combination goes beyond tradition and also comes to nutrients. In this aspect, the most traditional pairs of the Brazilian menu are not always just advantageous and, to make an X-ray of the benefits and harms of each one of them, Delas turned to the Regional Council of Nutritionists. Below, see the guidelines of the technical manager of the Regional Council of Nutritionists of São Paulo and Mato Grosso do Sul (CRN-3), Solange Saavedra. Rice with beans According to Solange, “mixing rice and beans promotes perfect chemistry for the body”, since rice contains the essential amino acid methionine, and beans another essential amino acid called lysine, an ideal combination for the body to absorb plant-based proteins well. .
And look, Brazilians are leaving beans aside – consumption of this food has decreased. According to the nutritionist, the main advantages of the Brazilians' favorite duo are: making the supply of plant-based proteins more efficient and balancing the blood glucose content and the relationship with insulin. According to the nutritionist, for this it is essential that they are ingested together. "Polished rice, alone, can trigger the rates of sugar and insulin in the circulation, and beans have the power to stop this effect, stabilizing glucose".
For those who think that the pair gain weight, the doctor says that it helps to prolong the feeling of satiety and so you won't feel like "attacking" a sweet after the meal. The only downside is overdoing it, says the nutritionist. Anything too much doesn't help and the perfect balance between the two is achieved with two servings of rice for every one of beans.